A Proof of Pólya's Enumeration Theorem
13 December 2020This semester, I took MATH 3012, a discrete math course with Dr. Ernest Croot. It was an interesting class, especially because discrete structures aren't discussed heavily in high-school and early college, despite them being a core part of computer science.
Until now, my main exposure to discrete math had been through math competitions, and I was kind of bad at them. The counting problems always messed me up (since I never practiced them). As such, combinatorics has always held a special place in my heart — a field of math that's widely applicable, but one that I'm not particularly good at.
Dr. Croot began the course by showing us a wide variety of problems in the domain of discrete math. Stuff like simple counting problems, stars and bars, graph coloring, the travelling salesman problem, … . One problem he mentioned was counting colorings in the presence of symmetry. He gave the example of a necklace and counting the distinct colorings on it with rotational symmetry. I think he did an example with @@k@@ colors and @@3@@ beads, deriving the formula: %% \frac{k^3 - k}{3} + k. %% The first term counts the colorings where all the beads aren't the same color, each generating three equivalent arrangements. The second term enumerates those where all beads are the same and the coloring is thus invariant under rotation.
He then asked us to think about the equivalent formulas for non-prime numbers of
beads or when we allow for reflection. If the derivation in this simple case was
so complicated, just imagine how bad those would be! Just look at the example
below: four beads and two colors, with a flip along the vertical as symmetry.
The case of two beads of each color is particularly ugly.
My professor mentioned Pólya's Enumeration Theorem as an easier way. I noticed a chapter of the same name in the book, though it was quite late in the text and we wouldn't get around to it.
My gut reaction for a plan of attack was group theory. I read through Nathan Carter's Visual Group Theory last semester, and I was surprised as to how ubiquitous groups really are. Since they, in some sense, represent the symmetries of a system, it felt intuitive to look at this problem through the lens of group theory.
In particular, it felt like a good idea to look at all the subgroups of the relevant symmetry group @@G@@. For a particular subgroup @@H@@, we might color all the elements of a particular coset the same color, ensuring that not all cosets share the same color. We would thus count (for @@k@@ colors) %% \frac{k^{[G:H]} - k}{[G:H]} %% distinct colorings when @@H \neq G@@, and @@k@@ otherwise.
There are several problems with this. First, we'd require that @@H \triangleleft G@@ for this to work. We'd also have to somehow sum over all the normal subgroups of @@G@@, and avoid double counting when subgroups contain each other. But worst of all, we're not even counting the right thing! We need to count with respect to the objects @@G@@ acts on, not @@G@@ itself!
Nonetheless, the idea of using group theory was a good one. Indeed, Pólya's theorem is formulated in terms of it. The proof considers a group @@G@@ acting on a set @@X@@. It then takes @@G@@ to act on the set of its @@k@@-colorings @@[k]^X@@ in the following way. For @@c \in [k]^X@@, we take @@g \cdot c@@ to color @@g \cdot x@@ the same way @@c@@ colored @@x@@. In other words, @@g@@ can be seen as permuting the elements of @@X@@, so we permute the colors alongside their associated elements.
We'll consider two colorings the same if they differ only by an action in @@G@@, and we want to count the number of distinct colorings in @@[k]^X@@. Pólya's Enumeration Theorem asserts that the number we're after is %% \left|[k]^X/G\right| = \frac{1}{|G|}\sum_{g \in G} k^{\cyc{g}}, %% where @@\cyc{g}@@ first considers @@g@@ as a permutation on the elements of @@X@@ (where @@x \mapsto g \cdot x@@), then counts how many cycles it has. Remember that all permutations can be decomposed into a product of disjoint cycles.
This result, to me, is quite odd. It's summing over all the elements of @@G@@, even if the subgroups generated by them overlap. I'd think the sum would overcount, and it does by exactly a factor of @@|G|@@, which is strange to me. It's even stranger that the proof is so simple. The Wikipedia Article says the theorem derives from Burnside's Lemma, which itself is a simple application of the Orbit-Stabilizer Theorem.
Orbit-Stabilizer was covered in Visual Group Theory, but I forgot the proof and (genuinely) had a fun time rediscovering it. It seems that, for a fixed @@x \in X@@, we give a bijection from the left cosets of @@\Stab{x}@@ to the elements of @@\Orb{x}@@, thus showing @@|\Orb{x}|=[G:\Stab{x}]@@. We create this function in the most natural way possible: we map the coset @@g\cdot\Stab{x}@@ to the object @@g \cdot x@@.
This is indeed a function. If @@g\cdot\Stab{x}=h\cdot\Stab{x}@@, then @@h^{-1}g\cdot\Stab{x}=\Stab{x}@@. From here it follows that @@h^{-1}g@@ stabilizes @@x@@, so @@g@@ and @@h@@ act on @@x@@ in the same way. The argument can be reversed to show that this function is injective — if @@g \cdot x = h \cdot x@@, then they give the same coset of @@\Stab{x}@@. Finally, surjectiveness is clear since any @@g \cdot x \in \Orb{x}@@ is mapped to by @@g\cdot\Stab{x}@@.
Burnside's Lemma really is a simple application of Orbit-Stabilizer once you know what to look for. But, I didn't see it initially. For some reason, I tried to prove that all elements of @@\Orb{x}@@ share the same stabilizing subgroup. I think I wanted to consider @@G/\Stab{x}@@ as an element's "orbiting subgroup" and do something with that. Of course, this would require showing that @@\Stab{x} \triangleleft G@@, but it turns out that's equivalent to all elements sharing the same stabilizer. Why? Consider all @@s \in \Stab{x}@@ and note that @@g^{-1}sg \cdot x = x@@ if and only if @@sg \cdot x = g \cdot x@@.
But it doesn't matter since this statement is blatantly false. The Wikipedia Article on Group Actions states that:
[A stabilizer] is a subgroup of @@G@@, though typically not a normal one … [but] the stabilizers of elements in the same orbit are conjugate to each other.
Moreover, I'm fairly sure the following is a counterexample. Below is a "Cayley diagram" depicting a set of three elements acted on by @@D_3@@, where the red arrows are rotation @@r@@ and the blue arrows are flips @@f@@.
Edit 12/25/2020: It occurs to me that the example below is just @@D_3@@ acting
on a single vertex. Doing @@r@@ will cycle the vertices, and @@f@@ will keep the
top vertex in place while swapping the other two.
As for the actual proof, we can just count the number of distinct orbits in @@X@@. This is equivalent to considering two elements of @@X@@ the same if they differ only by an action in @@G@@. We sum as %% \begin{align*} |X/G| &= \sum_{O \in (X/G)} 1 \nl &= \sum_{O \in (X/G)} \sum_{x \in O} \frac{1}{|O|}, \end{align*} %% where we take @@O@@ to range over all the different orbits. Initially, it may seem like we haven't done too much, but we can easily clean this up. First, note that the cardinality of the orbit @@O@@ to which @@x@@ belongs is usually denoted @@|\Orb{x}|@@. Second, since all the orbits partition the set @@X@@, and since we just sum over all the elements of all the orbits, we can collapse the double summation into one. These simplifications, along with Orbit-Stabilizer, give %% \begin{align*} |X/G| &= \sum_{x \in X} \frac{1}{|\Orb{x}|} \nl &= \frac{1}{|G|} \sum_{x \in X} |\Stab{x}|. \end{align*} %%
The next part is kind of tricky. We make the following observation: %% \sum_{x \in X} |\Stab{x}| = \sum_{g \in G} \nstab{g}, %% where @@\nstab{g}@@ denotes the number of different elements of @@X@@ that @@g@@ stabilizes. Why is this true? We can see both sides as counting the number of pairs @@(g,x)@@ that are "stable" — the number of pairs such that @@g \cdot x = x@@. We can choose to sum over the second "coordinate", as in the LHS, or the first, as in the RHS.
We can subsitute this observation into our result from above to arrive at Burnside's Lemma: %% |X/G| = \frac{1}{|G|} \sum_{g \in G} \nstab{g}. %%
From Burnside, it's not too far to Pólya. We'll just fix some @@g \in G@@ and ask what colorings of @@X@@ it stabilizes. The form of the answer gives us a big hint. We seem to be choosing a color for each of the cycles in @@g@@ (when applied to @@X@@). So, it makes sense to guess that, for a coloring to be stable, each cycle of @@g@@ must have all its elements colored the same.
Indeed this is the case, and we can see this by creating a stable coloring in perhaps the most natural way possible. Arbitrarily pick some @@x_1 \in X@@ and color it one of the @@k@@ colors (giving us @@k@@ choices). Then, apply @@g@@. Since this coloring is to be stable, we must have @@g \cdot x_1@@ colored the same as @@x_1@@. The same is true for @@g^2 \cdot x_1@@, @@g^3 \cdot x_1@@, and so on until we get back to where we started. We've thus colored the cycle "generated" by @@x_1@@ with one of @@k@@ colors. But, we may not be done, so choose some @@x_2@@ we haven't seen before, and repeat. We do the same for @@x_3@@, @@x_4@@, all the way up to @@x_{\cyc{g}}@@.
When creating a stable coloring, we got @@k@@ choices for each of the @@\cyc{g}@@ different @@x_i \in X@@. Therefore, there are @@k^{\cyc{g}}@@ stable colorings for some arbitrary @@g@@. Finally, we can use Burnside's Lemma to see that the number of distinct colorings in @@[k]^X@@ is (as required) %% \left|[k]^X/G\right| = \frac{1}{|G|}\sum_{g \in G} k^{\cyc{g}}. %%
As an aside, it's worth mentioning that @@\cyc{g}@@ is well defined for all @@g \in G@@. I touched on the fact that @@g@@ can be viewed as a permutation on the elements of @@X@@. In some sense, @@g@@ is part of the symmetric group on @@|X|@@ elements. It's well known that all permutations can be uniquely decomposed into a product of disjoint cycles, giving our well-definedness. So, our process from the last two paragraphs will give the same answer every time, even though it wouldn't initially seem like it.
Well, that was an adventure. It took me back as well — it's been almost a year since I last looked at group theory. I'm always surprised at how often it comess up, from ECC to RSA to matrix determinants to sorting and now counting. Moreover, it was just a fun exercise to try and figure out this theorem's proof. And, I now know more having done it, which is the most I can ask.